Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Over the last year, I have seen the greatest responses to my stories about parenting.  Whether moments of fun or embarrassment, my stories have had a chance to brighten your day or inspire you to be a better parent.  I love that!  Now it's your turn to help me (and everyone else who reads this blog).

One of my goals for this site is to promote involved fatherhood by telling stories.  I also want to give you a place for you to tell your own story about fatherhood.

Consider this a formal invitation to all parents or anyone who was once a child to submit a story about a moment that they had with their father (or father figure) or a moment that has impacted them as a father.  These stories can be less than 500 words, but they should try to describe your feelings or emotions about the event you choose to write about.  What I am trying to do with my featured section is capture "one moment" and describe what it meant for you, your father, or your child. Sort of a picture is worth a thousand words, only on my page, it's worth about 500 words. Brief, meaningful, and surrounding one specific moment in time.  It should feel raw.  It should feel guttural.  It should feel like you are reliving the original emotion. 

Pick a SINGLE moment that defines fatherhood. It could be your moment as a father or it could be a moment that your father shared with you. It could also be a meaningful moment from a father-like mentor. The challenge is to simply stay in that moment. Explore why it is important, what you felt at the time, how you feel now in hindsight. Tell us about a time that you would consider your "best" parenting moment.  Tell us what you learned from your "worst" parenting moment.  Tell us what your dad taught you after you got in your first fight at school.  How is your "style" of fathering different from your dad's based on that one moment?  Tell us about a hands-on experience you have shared with your child like catching their first fish, hitting their first home run, seeing their first concert, etc.  Tell us what that did for your child's esteem, ego, etc.  The possibilities are endless, and the story lines are entirely up to YOU.  I want this to be the best read section of my website - even more than my own content!

What do you get for submitting your story?  Well, if you're a blogger or have a website, I will link to your page.  You can be sure that you will get heavily promoted via Facebook and Twitter.  I will also submit your writing to my network of over 600,000 (and growing) Twitter users through Triberr.  These posts will all be tagged "Real Fatherhood Stories" and will appear under a tab on my home page.  That means continued viewing for as long as this blog exists.  Don't have a blog or website?  No worries.  You still have the benefit of sharing your story and connecting with other people.  You might make a few new friends in the process.  I have a very dedicated group of readers that love to leave comments.

This section is for celebrating the best of fatherhood, fathers, and father figures.

Your stories will make it special.  

Email your story to therealmattdaddy@gmail.com for consideration. Follow the hash tag #RealFatherhoodStories on Twitter to keep up with all of the great content.


  1. I have an awesome story coming your way soon!

  2. Hmmmm, Matt...since that line has been my "line" for #DadChat - "For anyone who is a parent or was a child," should I be upset?

    Nah, I love you too much...let's chalk it up to "like minds..."

    1. Take it as a "tug of the ear" sort of shout out to you, sir. All of the best artists borrow from their influences.



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