Monday, June 11, 2012

Change Is Good, Right?

You may start to notice a few things changing around the site.  Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere.  I'm just cleaning house and reorganizing my space.  I have used this space for my own humor, amusement, and esteem-building for long enough.  You might see some things start to disappear, get re-titled, or just get a face lift.  This is for YOU!

In the last year, I have realized what you want from me, and I am making some necessary changes to meet those needs.  As I get set to eclipse the 100,000 page view marker, I have set some new goals for myself and this space, and I am hoping that you will continue to read and support it as you have in the past.


1. To be an honest and positive example of involved fatherhood by telling stories from the perspective of an at-home dad.

2. To promote involved fatherhood by encouraging dads to step up and assume the role that they may have been ignoring and by encouraging mothers to support their parenting partner with motivation, encouragement, and constructively delivered criticism.

3. To combat negative stereotypes of fathers in the media.

4. To be a resource for other at-home dads (and bloggers to a lesser extent).

5. To create opportunities for writing or public speaking that allow me to convey my message to a broader audience.

I am more focused than ever, and I plan to keep delivering the quality content that you have come to expect from this blog.


In addition to these changes, I will also be making some changes to the way I work with brands.  I have a few fun things to finish up for Father's Day, but after that, I have nothing scheduled as far as reviews or giveaways.  I am planning to structure my page so that brands are clear about what I expect from them and what I can offer them.  I am also going to be very picky about what products I review and give away (yes, even pickier than before!).  What this will do is make it easy for you to trust what comes from this site.  Not that there was any question before, but there certainly won't be now.  I will only be partnering with brands that share the same goals that I do, and I will only promote them in a way that allows me to tell a story about their product as it relates to fatherhood.


One new feature that will be developed is a section where other bloggers/writers can share a short story about their experience as a father or about an experience that they had with their own father that made an impact on them.  More details will be released in the near future.


I will also be working on an eBook that will be available for FREE when it is finished.  Exciting stuff, right?  Thought so.  Once again, I thank you for your loyal readership, and I hope that we can keep sharing great stories with each other in the future. Just bear with me while I get my house in order.


  1. Hey Matt, I like your new outlook and have been on the verge of the same type of thing on my blog. I've been doing way more reviews and giveaways than I had originally planned and I want to get back to writing about being a Dad. Cheers to you brother and I can't wait to see the new site!


    1. I don't think it's wrong to do reviews and giveaways as a blogger if that serves the purpose for WHY you blog. You could hold a giveaway for XR every day, and I would still enter, lol. I think we just have to do a good job telling our stories, and making sure that we are true to ourselves and why we started writing in the first place. Thanks for the support!

  2. Great set of principles Matt. Looking forward to seeing the changes

  3. YOU will achieve those goals, Matt...I have faith in you!

  4. Excellent Post!




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