Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Weekend The Men Went... to the At-Home Dad Convention #ahdconvention

On a weekend in October... 

...a national non-profit organization will conduct a social experiment like none other.  

Men from around the nation will leave their homes and flock to Washington, D.C... 

and leave... their wives... 

alone... with the kids.  

Can they survive? 

Of course they can. This isn't a Lifetime reality television show.
(Plus, this is the seventeenth time it has happened.) 

It's time for the convention!  

Well, it's finally here. The 17th Annual At-Home Dad Convention is taking place this weekend (with activities starting today) in Washington, D.C.  My wife will likely be glad that I'm gone (mostly because it means she gets to sprawl out when she goes to sleep) because this is the weekend that recharges my passion for being an at-home dad.  Not that there is any lack of passion, but let's be honest, the week after the convention, the dishes get done a little faster, the laundry seems to put itself away, and the house is suddenly spic and span like it hasn't been for a while. Why?  Because when I get back from the convention, I feel like Super Dad, and I'm dying to prove it to myself.

All kidding aside, I am really looking forward to connecting with some friends from last year.  I am also looking forward to meeting some of my blogging pals in person, namely Chris Routly from Daddy Doctrines (who will be part of the same panel discussion that I am in, more on that later), John from Daddy's In Charge? (you can't hide!), and a few others.

The most important part of the convention is the Saturday speaker lineup.
You can view the program details here.

I will be tweeting the best take-aways from the following sessions (in this order):

Parenting Playgroup Workshop - Dr. Rene Hackney
The New Dad: Caring, Committed, and Conflicted - Dr. Brad Harrington
Age Based Open Forum - Dads of pre-school aged children
(my girl is 2 1/2, so I'm getting a head start)
Dads and Daughters - What We Say, What They Hear
Men's Brains: Improving Communication in Marriage and Family
Moving the Conversation Forward*
Motivational Speech: Jeremy Hilton, 2012 Military Spouse of the Year

You can follow me on Twitter (@realmattdaddy) and look for the hash tag #ahdconvention to keep up with what's going on throughout the day.

I have also been nominated for the board of the National At-Home Dad Network, and I am honored to even be considered. I know that even if I am not elected to the board, I will still do everything I can to further the cause of at-home fatherhood (and involved fatherhood in general) with this great organization.

* I will be taking part in the panel discussion "Moving the Conversation Forward" along with Lance and Matt from the NYC Dads Group, Chris Routly from Daddy Doctrines, and David Worford.  We will be discussing how dads can work with the media and marketing companies to change the way dads are portrayed in the news, on TV, in film, and in advertisements.  I am honored to be a part of this panel, and I look forward to sharing my thoughts.

I have to give a special "Thank You" to my mother-in-law for loaning me a laptop so that I don't have to do everything from my phone this year.  It is very much appreciated!

Don't forget, you can help me win a tablet from the Blogger Idol competition that I am currently participating in so that I don't have to borrow a laptop for next year's convention in Denver. (VOTE HERE until midnight Thursday)


  1. I have to admit I regret not going this year. I'm up in MD so I am close enough, but I couldn't work up the nerve. I'm going to have to make sure I try and go next year. That's the last year in the DC area right?

  2. No, Luke, this is the last year in DC. For 2013 and 2014 it's in Denver. You gotta try to make it, even if you can only do the Saturday sessions, it's worth EVERY PENNY. Seriously, just do it.

  3. Sounds so fun!
    Enjoy! And, relax!

  4. It's not too late! Walk-ins are welcome!

  5. Best of luck, gents. Sorry I couldn't make it this year.

  6. Thanks! It's been fun so far. Can't wait for tomorrow's sessions.

  7. Hope you guys have a great time!! I'm sure the family will survive without you...but just barely! Being a stay at home parent is one of the best things ever! So glad you have a convention to mingle and learn! Enjoy!



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